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Stop the McAuliffe Machine


Dear friend,


After watching Governor Terry McAuliffe, Attorney General Herring, and the Democrat-controlled Senate at work in Virginia, a new favorite saying is, "elections have consequences."
I’m amazed that as President Obama and Eric Holder show contempt for our Nation, we are now seeing the exact same thing kicking into high gear at the top in Virginia government. 
The Governor is drawing in big money from all over the Nation to change the balance of power in Virginia. Gov. Terry McAuliffe is a professional fundraiser. His fundraising machine is in overdrive, bringing in $235,000 in just the last three weeks alone. 
Governor McAuliffe's #1 agenda item is an all-out push to permanently obligate Virginia to the worst federal program ever conceived: the unconstitutional monstrosity called Obamacare. 
But that's not all. Terry McAuliffe’s new fundraising PAC is focused on eliminating the House Republican majority.
Will you help me protect Virginia from a disastrous entitlement expansion and whatever ill-conceived and ultra-liberal mischief is in the works?
My goal is to raise $8000 each month between now and November 2015. I simply cannot protect this seat in 2015 by watching The McAuliffe Machine as they stockpile cash week after week to use against me and other conservatives.
Your donation, no matter how large or small, will help us reach our goal and to be prepared for what's ahead. 
I am honored to be serving on the front lines protecting our conservative values and working to grow our economy.  
After my first session I’m thrilled to report that I fought successfully to protect property rights, cut taxes, get rid of taxpayer funding for abortion, and guard our Second Amendment rights. Chris Freund, Vice President of the Family Foundation of Virginia, had these kind words to say about me:
"Dave LaRock hit the ground running. He's working hard to keep our core values alive and well in Virginia, and I look forward to continuing to partner with him to protect our families, our religious liberty, and maintain a responsible constitutional government in our Commonwealth."
I know for a fact that my positions and legislation make me a prime target in the next election cycle, but I’m not backing down. Please stand with me as we fight against bigger government, more debt, and vast unfunded mandates. 


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District Office:
P.O. Box 6
Hamilton, Virginia 20159
(540) 751-8364





Phone: 540-751-8364



Authorized and paid for by Dave LaRock for Delegate


Paid for and Authorized by Dave LaRock for Virginia
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